Request a Stampin’ Up! Catalog

Stampin’ Up! Catalogs are published 3 times a year:

  • Annual Catalog (May)
  • Mini Catalogs:
    • September – December Mini Catalog
    • January – April Mini and Saleabration Catalogs 

There are several different ways to get your hands on a FREE copy of the current Stampin’ Up! catalog:

New Customers

Interested in browsing the selection of products offered through Stampin’ Up? If you are not currently working with a Demonstrator, I would appreciate the opportunity to work with you and would be happy to send you a complimentary current Stampin’ Up! catalog(s).  Simply fill out the request form below and I will send the current catalog(s) out to you! 

*Please Note:  I am happy to send one complimentary catalog per person if you are new to me.  If you would like to continue to receive future complimentary catalog(s), simply join one of my clubs or place an order through my Stampin’ Up! store at and you will automatically be added to my catalog mailing list!

Join a Stampin’ Club

Sign up to be a part of one of my stampin’ clubs and you will automatically receive a Stampin’ Up! catalog for FREE upon request!  As a club member, you will also receive exclusive tutorials and other freebies!  Learn more about the clubs at >>>

Current Customers

Shop with me and you are automatically added to my Stampin’ Up! catalog mailing list. So that means I will take care of the costs associated with shipping the catalog(s) to you! Shop for your favorite papercrafting supplies at

Join Stampin’ Up!

Join my team of stampin’ enthusiasts and you will get a whole box of Stampin’ Up! catalogs in your starter kit that you can share with your family and friends! Learn more at

Request A Catalog

(Sorry, U.S. Residents Only)


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