18 Easy Card Ideas ~ Stampin Up 2020 Coordination Products

Today I want to give you a sneak peek into some awesome NEW coordination products that are coming out on February 4, 2020. And, of course, I have a variety of card ideas to share as well. A total of 18 easy card ideas featuring 6 new Stampin Up 2020 Coordination Products!

18 Easy Card Ideas ~ Stampin Up 2020 Coordination Product Release

There are 5 new die sets and a super fun pack of patterned paper that coordinates with products in the Stampin Up 2020 Mini and Salebration catalogs. And these fun new products will be available beginning February 4, 2020!

Sending Flowers Card Ideas

So the first new Coordination product is called Sending Flowers. It’s an awesome die set which coordinates with the Sending You Thoughts Stamp Set from the Stampin Up 2020 Sale-A-Bration Catalog.

There are 5 new dies in this set. Now that probably doesn’t sound like a lot but one of the dies is quite large and very detailed. It is a large flowery die that I used to create the first card featured above. The die cuts out a little field of flowers. Then you can use one of the other dies in the set to add color to your flowers. It makes it so easy to create some beautiful yet simple cards.

Nature’s Thoughts

The second new Coordination product is called Nature’s Thoughts. This is a die set which coordinates with the Positive Thoughts Stamp Set from the Stampin Up 2020 Mini Catalog.

There are 11 new dies in this particular set. The dies cut out many of the images in the stamp set plus there are some bonus dies. I call them bonus dies because they do not coordinate with a stamp image, they are extra dies that you can use to create shapes or extra embellishments. So for one of the cards featured above, I used the large rectangular die in the set to create the focal point for the card.

Birthday Card Ideas

The third NEW Coordination Product is called the Birthday Dies. These dies coordinate with the Happy Birthday To You Stamp Set from the Stampin Up 2020 Saleabration Catalog.

There are 5 new dies in this particular set. The dies cut out the cake and flower images from the stamp set. So you can use those beautiful flowers to create a card (without the cake). I love the versatility! There are also a few other dies in the set such as leaves and a little cake plate.

Ladybug (Host Set)

The fourth NEW Coordination Product is called the Ladybug Dies. These dies coordinate with the Little Ladybug Host Stamp Set from the Stampin Up 2020 Sale-A-Bration Catalog. Now this is a host exclusive stamp set which means that it’s a free gift for anyone that hosts a $300 party or participates in a club. You can learn more about how to get your hands on this stamp set HERE.

Now the ladybug die set has 15 different dies. Many of the dies cut out the ladybug and flower images but there are also extra dies in the set. Dies that can, again, be used to create fun little embellishments and accents on your cards.

Pleased As Punch Designer Series Paper

The fifth NEW Coordination product is my absolute favorite! I love pretty patterned paper so I was immediately drawn to the new Pleased As Punch Designer Series Paper. This paper pack coordinates with the Heart Punch Pack, Tulip Builder Punch and the Umbrella Punch from the Stampin Up 2020 Mini Catalog. It also coordinates with the Small Blooms Punch from the Stampin Up 2020 Sale-A-Bration Catalog.

So the cool thing about this patterned paper is that you can punch out the shapes in the paper. So for example, the tulips on all of the cards featured above were simply punched out from a piece of the Pleased As Punch Designer Paper.

Likewise, all of the Umbrella and hand shapes were punched out from a piece of the Pleased As Punch paper using the Umbrella Builder punch. Besides all of the fun shapes that you can punch out, the back side of the patterned papers are just as pretty and coordinate perfectly with all of the fun shapes.

Now I already shared these fun card ideas with you this past Sunday which also feature the Pleased As Punch Designer Series Paper. The heart shapes and small blooms were punched out of the paper using the coordinating punch. There are so many possibilities with this paper pack! You can get all of the details on these heart cards HERE.

Now the last Coordination Product is called the Special Day Dies. This product coordinates with the Special Someone Stamp Set from the Stampin Up 2020 Mini Catalog. I don’t have this set yet but it is on my wish list!

Sneak Peek

Besides a sneak peek into these fun new products, I also have some special product coordination launch offers too! 

  • Shop with this special host code, F6W36KNN , between now and February 25, 2020 and you will receive a printable tutorial featuring the 18 card ideas from the video. Shop now or wait until February 4, 2020 at https://lynndunn.stampinup.net
  • Join my team during Saleabration and you will automatically have access to ALL of the printable tutorials that I create every month! And of course, all of the freebies and perks that Stampin Up offers! Learn more about the Stampin Up experience HERE

I hope you enjoy this week’s video and card ideas. Have a creative day! ~ Lynn

4 thoughts on “18 Easy Card Ideas ~ Stampin Up 2020 Coordination Products”

  1. I thought these items were first being previewed February 4th? Can you explain how you have this already and are posting it?

    • Hi Bonnie, although the products will not be available to everyone until February 4, 2020, Stampin Up demonstrators can preorder them a month before the launch. So I have had a chance to play with them for a few weeks.

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