Starter Kit Special ~ Ends Today

Today is the last day to take advantage of the Stampin’ Up! starter kit special!  You get 2 FREE stamp sets plus $125 worth of any Stampin’ Up! merchandise in your starter kit for only $99. Yes, you choose the products you want!  It’s an amazing deal from an amazing company!001Whether stamping and crafting is your hobby or you are looking to start a business, there are several benefits to becoming a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator:

  • Receive $125 worth of any Stampin’ Up! products of your choice for only $99 in your starter kit. Plus the additional 2 FREE stamp sets.
  • Receive 20% off all Stampin’ Up! Products; 30% off the very first Stampin’ Up! Order you place as a demonstrator!
  • Participate in our FREE team get-togethers which involve lots of stamping, project ideas and fun! Don’t live in the area? No worries…we have a wonderful group of demonstrators that shares projects and inspiration, daily, right online! And, as a member of my team, you will receive access to all of my online class offerings for FREE!
  • To maintain your status as a demonstrator, there is a $300 quarterly sales minimum. You can meet that sales target with your own purchases and/or purchases placed by others. Are you wondering what happens if you don’t meet the minimum? Nothing! Well, nothing bad happens other than your demonstratorship simply expires which means you would no longer qualify for the 20% discount.  That’s it!  And, you are welcome to sign on again when and if the time is right for you!

So as you can see, it’s a wonderful risk free offer! The worst thing that can happen is that you get $125 worth of products and 2 stamp sets for $99 just for trying it out! How cool is that?

Click to Join my Stampin’ Up! team and get started today!


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